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Collect and restate text details in informative responses

Readers recall facts learned from informational text.

Template | PDF

Readers retell a section of informational text.

Readers retell only the most important details of a whole informational text.

Transfer section labels in order. Stretch them into oral, pictorial, or written sentences to create a whole-text retell.
(Make another copy of the second page if the text has more than four sections/labels.)

PICTORIAL-writing Example | Template

SENTENCE-writing Example | Template

Use the 1-3 word labels or mini-retellings from each section to generate the multi-sentence summary. Combine those words and phrases to create a couple of sentences that retell what the whole text was about.

Readers recall details about a specific story element.

Readers convert text comparisons from a T-Chart into writing.

Explain comparative thinking in writing.