Readers retell &
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Set the foundation with story elements
Recognize and recall key details from the text.
Character | Person
Character | Object
Character | Animal
Motivation | Want
Motivation | Wish
Problem | Conflict
Rising Action
Simple summaries of popular picture books & fairytales.
PDF | Google Sheets
Simple and sophisticated summaries of short stories & video shorts. Google Sheets
First, target the plot!
Teacher Resource | Focus on the types
of problems & solutions.
Teacher Resource | Connect story elements to plot exposition map.
Teacher Resource | Introduce subplots
with colored icons.
Second, analyze characters.
Teacher Resources | Authors provide explicit details when developing characters.
Authors provide more than a when and where in settings.
Clarify character description (LOOK) from character development (DO, SAY, THINK & FEEL).
After learning how to infer character traits in Round 2/Retell Literature, first graders learned how to write out their inferences with text evidence.
Track a character’s development across the entire text.
Record what a character does, says, thinks, and feels
PDF | 3 Boxes | 5 Boxes | 9 boxes
Jamboard | 3 Boxes | 5 Boxes | 9 Boxes
After explicit instruction on individual story elements during lessons, then “scrimmage”
with these text-dependent questions in your whole-class read alouds and shared texts.