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A basic constructed response: Grades 2-12

Convert the last thought as a reader into the first thought as a writer.

Photocopy the bookmark sheets back to back and cut them individually. Students reference the FRONT side when they are practicing BASIC constructed-response writing. Then, they use the BACK after learning the ingredients to a more POLISHED constructed response.
RACE bookmark | Yes MA’AM bookmark | CER bookmark

Expect readers to show their thinking.

Make the inference and then write the response.

Explain inferences in writing.

Take advantage of a consistent formula.

Yes, MA’AM Template

RACE Template

CER Template

Write the 1st sentence.

Readers repeat key details from the question/prompt within the response.

Write the 2nd and 3rd sentences.

Readers include evidence to support their thinking.

Introduce evidence with blended sentences.

Readers know that all details are not evidence.

Readers know how to cite visual, audio, and video-based evidence.

Analyze photos, illustrations, and political cartoons for people/subjects, actions/activites, and setting/objects.

Within video clips/movie excerpts, use the 2-column T-Chart to note the audio and visual details.

Write the 4th sentence.

Readers explain their thinking in a concluding statement.

Teacher Missy Biddinger (St. Joseph Consolidated School in Hamilton, OH) explained this joke to her students and compared it to writing the final sentence.

Practice converting inferences into constructed responses

All readers can practice making inferences using visuals. NOTE: There is no answer. It’s about being able to prove an inference and then communicate it in writing.