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Smekens Consultants | Job Description & Onboarding

Informational Webinar
April, 2023

Introductions and Roll-out of Onboarding
June 10, 2023

Zoom Monthly Check-Ins

SEPT: Wrap-up Launch WW & Intro to Mini-Units

OCT 1 of 2: Status of Mini-Unit Spiral + Contracts & Compensation

OCT 2 of 2: Conclusion of Contracts & Compensation

NOV: Tools of the Trade
Handout with Hyperlinks

MAR: Self-Reflect on Mini-Lesson Models
Reflection Paper

AUG 2023 All-Day Saturday #1

Part 1: Deliver PD on the 4 Phases of LWW

Part 2: Field test the Double-Up Launch

Part 3: Deliver PD on Make Time for WW + 6T Intro

Part 1:

0:00:00—Carousel of 4-Step MLs (HO pp1-2)
0:20:45—Cons Training on Step 1
0:31:30—Cons Training on Step 2A

Part 2:

0:00:00—Cons Training on Step 2B
0:27:30—Cons Training on Step 3
0:40:50—Cons Training on Step 4
0:50:15—Common teacher comments & confusions re 4 Steps (HO pp3-7)

Part 3:

0:00:00—Build the MLM Schedule (HO p8)
0:38:45—Communicate with host T (HO p9)
1:02:30—The day of (HO p10)
1:38:00—Debriefing (HO pp11-12)
2:09:45—Organizing MLM resources
2:27:30—Passed out misc MLM resources

Part 1:

0:00:00—Agenda (p1)
0:08:29—Presenter tips (p2)
1:02:10—Scribblish activity
1:23:08—Intro & Interact (p3)
1:48:45—6T Voila

Part 2:

0:00:00—Debrief Voila
0:09:30—Excite & Engage (p4)
0:20:40—Model & Reveal (p5)
0:47:45—Debrief & Digest (p6)

Part 3:

0:00:00—Move & Energize (p7)
0:16:10—Work Time (p7)
0:31:55—AI in work time
1:09:25—Reflect & Evaluate (p8)
1:14:40—SL shares new ideas
1:20:30—Wrap up & Takeaways

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3