ERROR #1 | Response lacks sufficient evidence
Prepare students to provide 2-part answers.
Remain neutral when asking How do you know? Have questions ready to encourage students to refer back to the text.
Ask text-dependent questions.
Target “best” and “most likely” answers.
Smoky Row Elementary teacher Barb Mahnesmith guides her fifth graders to analyze multiple-choice questions and answers.
Note the important or key words that would alter the meaning of each statement.
Guide students to eliminate wrong answers in multiple-choice questions.
ERROR #2 | Response relies solely on background
Identify details you can put “eyeballs” on.
ERROR #3 | Response includes irrelevant evidence
Define what makes a detail relevant.
Explain that all details are not evidence.
ERROR #4 | Response provides weak evidence
Emphasize the need to read ALL of the choices provided.
PDF | Smartboard | Promethean
Resources for additional practice | Google Doc | PowerPoint