SESSION 3 | Grades K-12 / ELL | Handout
Master vocabulary with Marzano’s six steps
Step 1: Explain the word’s meaning
Provide kid-friendly examples.
Students need to hear an informal definition of a term presented in kid-friendly language. Offer examples that relate to students’ background knowledge. Brainstorm additional kid-friendly examples using the results of students’ reading interest inventories.
Step 2: Restate the word’s meaning
Layer initial understanding.
After the teacher introduces and explains the term to students in a variety of ways, the students will then restate the meaning in their own words.
Frayer model | Jamboard template | Perspective example
Picture frame | Jamboard template | Perspective example
Step 3: Show the word’s meaning
Draw a visual representation.
Teach students five ways to draw or depict the meaning of a term over multiple lessons or days.
Associate the word with a visual.
Step 4: Develop a deeper understanding
Create lists of related words or descriptions.
Step 5: Refine understanding with peer interaction
Complete an Information Pyramid.
Students customize their understandings by completing an Information Pyramid with no one right answer.
Information Pyramid
Template | Template with Summary
Generate a Bio-Poem.
Students think deeply about how a word would think, feel, or behave as if it were a person.
Step 6: Play with words to cement understanding
Play Cubing.
Review several terms in a small-group activity..
Play Cubing as a whole class using virtual dice.