First Day to Test Day
Part 2 Secret Site

Links to Assignments in Writable
Elementary Course Assignments
Middle Course Assignments
High School Course Assignments
Connect read-write skills
Convert the last thought as a reader into the first thought as a writer.
Take advantage of a consistent formula.
Connect QAR (Question-Answer Relationship) to Yes, MAAM.
Grow an anchor chart.

Anchor Chart Pieces | PDF to print | Zip file of JPEGs
Write the 1st sentence
Restate key words.
Write the 2nd and 3rd sentences
Support inferences with textual evidence.
Crystal Calloway uses these sentence starters during text-based conversation with her Bailly Elementary (Chesterton, IN) fourth graders.
Provide explicit instruction on how to weave the what, which, and where details into a textual citation.
Introduce evidence with blended sentences.
Write the 4th sentence
Connect the dots in a concluding statement.
Scaffold practice opportunities.
“Write” orally and with peers.
Google Slide | Make the inference and use the details to write the response.
Return to previous Inference Silhouettes to convert them into constructed responses.
Elaborate on evidence
Connect elaboration to the Thinking Voice.

Basic Formula
Black & White PDF | Google Slide | Jamboard
Green & Yellow PDF | Google Slide | Jamboard

With Elaboration
Black & White PDF | Google Slide | Jamboard
Green & Yellow PDF | Google Slide | Jamboard