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Best-of-Smekens Writing Conference:
Writing Remix 2019



Decode the Writing Prompt

Similar-looking questions produce different answers based on the academic vocabulary.

Access an editable PowerPoint template or Google Sheets to type in the key terms and simple definitions your students need.

These close-reading questions include the academic vocabulary seen on standardized tests.

Common Core Reading Warm-Ups: Grades 3-8 offers passages with corresponding questions and tips for decoding the academic vocabulary in the questions.

Decode prompts using a 4-step process

“Decode the Prompt” mini-lesson

Mini-Lesson Resources: PDF | Smartboard

This Teaching Channel video introduces the parts of an essay, including how to rework the prompt to serve as the introduction.

Write to the Test Lady™ when no audience is identified

Access additional resources with after-reading writing prompts

Achieve the Core offers dozens of mini-assessments.

Access grade-level passages that include close-reading questions and a variety of after-reading writing tasks.


Follow 5 Steps to Make an Inference

Model how to make an inference

Practice putting clues together


Strengthen Short Constructed-Response Writing

Follow a constructed-response formula

Write the 1st sentence

Write the 2nd & 3rd sentences

Write the 4th sentence

Practice writing constructed responses

Utilize these templates to fine-tune the four-sentence constructed response.


Generate Long Extended Responses Based on Reading

Combine details to synthesize new ideas

Synthesize from Multiple Sources mini-lesson
PDF | Smartboard

Small-Group Activity on Christopher Columbus

Blend evidence and elaboration

Supersize Yes, MA’AM to craft an extended response

Provide frequent experience with simulated research tasks

Use the Writing About Reading Frames to provide students the needed support to respond to research-task prompts. offers dozens of authentic text excerpts with text-dependent questions and extended-response prompts for free. Each is labeled by grade-level appropriateness and also comes with suggested lesson plans.

Simulate research-writing tasks during eLearning. This practice helps to prepare students for similar experiences they will encounter on standardized assessments.

Explain the introduction

This Teaching Channel video introduces the parts of an essay, including how to rework the prompt to serve as the introduction.


Refine the Definition of Textual Evidence

Create an evidence-rich classroom

Purchase Close-Reading Questions for Informational Text and Literature.

Download a text-dependent planner
PDF | Word

Problem #1 Response lacks evidence

Problem #2 Response is not rooted in the text(s)

Problem #3 Response just provides details, not evidence

Listen to Rachel Platten’s “Fight Song” as a whole class.

Print lyrics for Rachel Platten’s “Fight Song” for each student to have a copy.

Sort cut-apart lyrics based on the claim: This song is motivational.

Problem #4 Responses lack explanation of the evidence

Fine-tune understanding with the Bullseye Strategy

Identify the Best Answers. Use the Bullseye Strategy to help students discern among multiple answers which one(s) best answer the question.

Link to the resources
PDF | Smartboard
Promethean | Google doc

Katie Powell (Southmont Jr. High School, Crawfordsville, IN) used floor tape that doesn’t leave sticky residue. She gave “answer” cards to each group and asked them to place the cards face down in the target. After all answers were placed, the class had a “big reveal.”