SESSION 5 | Grades K-12 | Handout
Learn the secret to comparing texts
Dissect the compare-contrast expectations within the standards
View a series of whole-class lessons
Grades K-1
Lesson 1: Compare text details across the rows of a T-Chart
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Lesson 2: Compare literature using story elements
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Lesson 3: Explain comparative thinking in writing— Literature
Vimeo | YouTube
Lesson 4: Infer categories of comparison for nonfiction texts/topics
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Lesson 5: Explain comparative thinking in writing— Informational Text
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Grades 2-3
Lesson 1: Compare text details across the rows of a T-Chart
Vimeo | YouTube
Lesson 2: Compare literature using story elements
Vimeo | YouTube
Lesson 3: Explain comparative thinking in writing— Literature
Vimeo | YouTube
Lesson 4: Infer categories of comparison for nonfiction texts/topics
Vimeo | YouTube
Lesson 5: Explain comparative thinking in writing— Informational Text
Vimeo | YouTube
Grades 4-6
Lesson 1: Compare text details across the rows of a T-Chart
Vimeo | YouTube
Lesson 2: Compare literature using story elements
Vimeo | YouTube
Lesson 3: Explain comparative thinking in writing— Literature
Vimeo | YouTube
Lesson 4: Infer categories of comparison for nonfiction texts/topics
Vimeo | YouTube
Lesson 5: Explain comparative thinking in writing— Informational Text
Vimeo | YouTube
Grades 7-12
Lesson 1: Compare text details across the rows of a T-Chart
Vimeo | YouTube
Lesson 2: Compare literature using story elements
Vimeo | YouTube
Lesson 3: Explain comparative thinking in writing— Literature
Vimeo | YouTube
Lesson 4: Infer categories of comparison for nonfiction texts/topics
Vimeo | YouTube
Lesson 5: Explain comparative thinking in writing— Informational Text
Vimeo | YouTube
Recognize common categories for comparative thinking
Compare story elements in literature
Focus on similarities—not differences
Utilize the T-Chart as a pre-write
Identify texts to compare for different purposes
Make connections between cultural versions and stories with different perspectives.
Analyze the four different character perspectives presented in Voices in the Park.
Check out additional sources for informational text.