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Best-of-Smekens Writing Conference:
Writing Remix 2019


Six-Traits Essentials


Recognize the 6 Traits within K-12 Student Writing

Connect each trait with a visual icon

Connect the traits to writing standards & writing process


Introduce the 6 Traits to Students


Manage an Effective Trait-Based Writer’s Workshop


Discover 9 Ways to Target Elaboration and Organization

The Big Book of Details

Launching the Writer’s Workshop:
K-2 version | 3-12 version

Develop ideas with support details

This same concept can be taught at any grade level- just use different anchor papers.

Watch the complete mini-lesson video (above)
and then access all the related resources (below).

After revealing the original and revised “Spring Break” examples, guide students to try adding legs to undeveloped ideas.
Pet Care ExampleSchool Dance ExampleTeam Support Example

Demonstrate elaboration with color

View second grade mini-lesson on developing with Sticky Dots.

Add sentences to undeveloped ideas using sticky dots.
“Spring” Examples

Transition to pre-writing and digital devices

Organize information based on task and purpose

Introduce flexible and universal graphic organizers

Introduce each organization type with a series of 3 mini-posters.

Utilize the Organize It Table Tent to select the appropriate order of information. Simple assembly.


Assess Writing with a 6-Traits Rubric

Create non-writing rubrics

Desk Rubric
Grade 4 Example

Locker Rubric
Grade 10 Example

Launching the Writer’s Workshop: Grades 3-12
Chapter 7 – “Building Rubrics”

Build an initial writing rubric

Grow the rubric with students

Rubric Template  |  Word

Rubric Calculator  |  Website

Fine-tune rubric implementation