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Super Saturday
Writing Conference



SESSION 5  |  Grades 3-12 / ELL Levels 3-5


Achieve a blend of evidence and elaboration

Recognize that formulas are starting points

Double the elaboration-to-evidence ratio.

Anchor Chart
PDF pieces

Anchor Chart
PDF pieces

Unpack your point

Connect elaboration to the Thinking Voice.

Basic Formula
  Black & White  PDF  |  Google Slide  |  Jamboard
Green & Yellow  PDF  |  Google Slide  |  Jamboard

With Elaboration
  Black & White  PDF  |  Google Slide  |  Jamboard
Green & Yellow  PDF Google Slide  |  Jamboard

Comment on the evidence

Introduce students to the different ways
to elaborate on a text detail.

Provide students with a “cheat sheet”
of ways to elaborate.

Hold up these sentence starters to support students when crafting read-write responses.

Example #1: Individual stops interacting with the real world.

Example #2: Individual sees a decline in physical appearance.